Katana VentraIP

Let Us Expand, Develop and Strengthen Your Business

Want to go international? We are your partner. Need a rescue plan? We will get you back on track. Need your management team trained? Let us pour our experience into them.

We are all about strengthening what you have, expanding from where you are, and maximising results with the minimum inputs.
Katana VentraIP

We Do Not Use a Wrecking Ball, or a Demolition Squad, Approach

We will identify your strengths, take you back to your vision and purpose, and grow from there. Do you want to expand within Australia? We will help you. Have you considered the benefits of international markets? Helping companies to expand internationally is something we are very good at. We have had feet on the ground in 54 countries. Has your company flatlined? Let us help you resuscitate it. Are there barriers to growth you cannot surmount? Let us find the way through those barriers together. Are there markets you should be in but cannot break into? Let us share our expertise and experience with you.

Our Focus

We are not accountants or economists. We are business developers. We are into 'turn arounds', and increases in sales and profitability. We help you see how big you are and how small the things that impeed progress are. We are not hatchet men. We try to find everyones' place in the enterprise so that what you have built moves forwrad into a succesful business.
Katana VentraIP

Training For Managers

Every member of your team is a manager of at least one part of your business. We teach universal laws of management that make managers great.
Katana VentraIP

International Business Development

We have have operated internationally for many years takig highly sophisticated technical products, primary produce and cutting edge intellectual concepts to the market. We are very familiar with the pitfalls and opportunities and we will walk with you to get you established in lucritive international markets.
Katana VentraIP

Business Rejuvunation

Has your business flatlined or hit the wall. We specialise in rescuse packages that are innovative and workable.
Katana VentraIP

Reputation Building

The greatest asset a company has is it’s reputation. A lost reputation can be rebuilt. Ethics, integrity, sincerity and compassion shown at every level within a company can rebuild that reputation quickly or strengthen the reputation that exists.

Markets We Have Worked In

Water Management For an Aluminium Smelter, A Urea Plant and a Steel Plant

Penetrated an untapped market

Australian Advanced Technology For The Oil and Gas Industry, Middle East, China and India.

We established an Australian company as a key provider at the highest levels within the Oil and Gas Industry

Good Managers Becoming Great Managers

Full course based on our book, Practical Management. This book summarises our teaching which we believe every manager at every level should be exposed to. This is career changing material and it will make your managers a profeional and mature team.

Increased Profits for Primary Producers

Instead of accepting farm gate prices we established supply chains from production to plate all under the control of primary producerss. Seafood, Ostrich, Lamb and Mutton were included in these new initiatives..

Remonal of Radioactive Particles From a City Water Supply

This well-known international city found its water supply contaminated with nuclear material. The $1.3 bn bid was complex. International funding had to be found, the bid needed an 'in country” business partner to be found, and then it had to be prepared and presented to the Government at the highest levels.

It would be our privelege to walk with you into success and expansion.

We act as the ice breaker to clear a way into new markets, new growth and new optimism. We would love to get to know you. Please give us an opportunity to work with you.

We'd love to get to know you a bit better